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Published on November 30, 2007 By McGlu In TG.Net Help
I don't think this is an option, but I would like to see it. Is there a way to make a game purchase with remaining tokens and pay the difference in money for how ever many tokens you are short? I just bought my 2nd TG.Net subscription. Using those tokens, I grabbed Sins of a Solar Empire Preorder and the new GalCiv II expansion preorder, leaving me with 2 tokens. But, I see a 3 token game that I am interested in. I'm not going to buy another 10 pack just to get one more token. So, having an option to pay the difference would be nice. Also, I miss the 5 token pack for members.
on Dec 03, 2007
Sorry, this isn't possible and there are no plans to implement it (it would be impossible without re-negotiating all of our contracts).
on Dec 04, 2007
Ok, makes sense. Thanks for the reply.